Associated European Talent Center King Abdulaziz and His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity “Mawhiba" was accredited by the European Talent Support Network" ETSN" to become Associated European Talent Center. Mawhiba is a Saudi foundation with an international dimension and global vision. Its accreditation as Associated European Talent Center will enhance its international presence with 22 centers and 300 entities affiliated to ETSN in 38 countries worldwide and support its abilities to be further advanced to keep up with the international best practices in discovering and supporting talented and gifted students. Mawhiba will share its experience with the global centers as an international center of excellence to support and nurture giftedness and creativity.
Saudi Arabia was among the first countries to have this membership from outside the European Union due to its local, regional, and leading international role in discovering and supporting talented and gifted students. ETSN is a non-governmental organization established due to the extraordinary and enormous demands for coordination between European countries to serve as a communications network to enhance information exchange between the bodies interested in students with high ability, such as teachers, researchers, scientists, and parents.
Official Member in Kangaroo Without Borders The accession of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by Mawhiba, to Kangaroo Without Borders was unanimously approved in the meeting held in Ukraine in October 2016. The Kangaroo Competition is one of the biggest competitions in more than 70 countries worldwide, attended by about 6 million students. The competition targets students from the 1st to 12th grades. In 1980, The competition was introduced in Australia. It moved to France in 1991 and registered in its first version with nearly 120 thousand students. According to this success, 21 European countries participated in the competition, and it was proposed to establish Kangaroo Without Borders. In 1995, the competition was officially registered in Paris, the Council was elected, and the basic policies were legally approved. The number of countries that joined the competition increased to include countries in Asia, Africa, and South America. Now the contest is that over 6 million students participate annually worldwide.
Mawhiba Intellectual Property Support Center
Mawhiba joined the National Network of Intellectual Property Support Centers “TISC” in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization “WIPO” to enable the innovators of Mawhiba’s students to have the technical information in intellectual property and facilitate their access to the related services to encourage them to invest their innovative potential and knew, protect, and manage their intellectual property rights.
On December 22, 2020, Mawhiba was considered one of the (26) centers of the TISC.
Mawhiba - Bebras Computing Challenge
Bebras challenge is an international initiative aiming to promote informatics and computational thinking among school students. On September 25, 2004, the Bebras challenge began in Lithuania when an experimental trial was held in which 779 school students participated. It aimed to check selected technologies of the challenge and evaluate the complexity of the presented problems. After a month, it was officially launched by performing the first Lithuanian Bebras challenge. As many as 3470 pupils from 146 schools participated. In 2011, France, Hungary, and Slovenia jumped in. In 2012, Japan saw the first non-European Bebras challenge; trial challenges were run in Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Spain, and more countries joined the Bebras community, including Bulgaria, Sweden, and Taiwan. From the Arab States and the Middle East, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by Mawhiba, participated in its first official version (2020) with more than 8,539 students from general education in the presence of more than 18,000 important figures at the closing ceremony to honor the winners.