The Award of the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States
Mawhiba won the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States award in 2017 – 2018 in experiments and projects.
It is an award given to the most original production that benifits the culture of the member states and their development plans. This was offered upon the award committee's recommendation after evaluating Mawhiba's works and visiting it on April 19, 2018. Mawhiba fulfilled the required award criteria: governance, organizational structure, financial sustainability, initiatives, intellectual products, practical results, challenges, and future vision.

Classifying Mawhiba Foundation within a distinguished institutions category in "Yesser" program Mawhiba was classified within the "Distinguished Category" among the best 14 national entities in e-services for the year 2016 (The E-Government Program "Yesser").
Yesser has launched several indicators of government services. Such indicators are an effective tool to measure governmental bodies' performance and know what progress has been made by each body from the perspective of e-government services. This may help each governmental body define its services and develop a road map to transform them from traditional services to upgraded e-services.
According to the indictor results, Yesser issued a report to classify the bodies into four levels as per its achievements in transforming its services electronically. The distinguished category includes entities and bodies whose e-services maturity level is 95% or more.

The Strategic Award in the Cultural Websites Sector
Mawhiba won the strategic award in the cultural websites category in the Pan Arab Web Awards from among 450 competing websites in the Arab world. The award is considered one of the most significant awards for Arab websites in cooperation with Microsoft, AVDNA, and BSA.
The competition aim is to develop the innovative spirit of website designers to meet professional and international standards and promotes opportunities for unique intellectual production. Also, it encourages all sectors to spotlight their websites to expand the communications and networks of related parties and enhance the cooperation and knowledge, capacity-building, and exchange of information between different Arab sectors
Khalifa Education Award
Mawhiba won 1st place in the Khalifa Education Award, one of the most distinguished educational awards locally, regionally, and internationally for its 14th session, 2021 edition, in the innovative education projects and programs category for foundations across the Arab world.
Mawhiba participates in the Gifted Classes ; Mawhiba program executed within the partnership schools.
The journey of obtaining Mawhiba went through several stages, starting from preparing the participation document, which includes more than 1,000 pages, including appendixes. Then, the jury's meeting was held to examine the document based on several standards such as originality and innovation, methodology and planning, economic sustainability and viability, environmental sustainability, application, and results.
Finally, the competition stage between the submitted projects and winning the award. Gifted Classes' Mawhiba Program is one of the specific programs offered by the foundation to support the Gifted and talented students.
This program provides specialized scientific curricula in Arabic and English that are added to the curricula of the Ministry of Education.
Mawhiba has invested in preparing such curricula in cooperation with top centers of excellence in preparing curricula in the UK.
The curricula developed several aspects of the personality of the talented students through enriching their knowledge with recent and in-depth information, supporting the advanced understanding of the issues under consideration, assimilating complicated ideas, and the depth of knowledge structures for study materials.
This is along with the development of values, trends, and features, such as survey, risk-taking, creativity and trust, open-mindedness, collaboration, and skills in its various aspects. Winning Khalifa Education Award is a significant addition to the foundation, which confidently moves towards high-level achievements in supporting and nurturing talented students in the local and international forums.