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In an age of visuals, Covid 19, the internet, and advanced technology, online education has become the primary source of learning. Whether it’s online courses, seminars, a college degree, a postgraduate degree, or general education classes, so many people are turning to the internet to better themselves. However, unlike traditional education which has existed for centuries, online learning is still in its infancy. It has its advantages and disadvantages. Below is a list that highlights both the pros and cons of digital learning:
Easier access: Students and teachers can be reached anytime, anywhere.
Less expensive: When classes are online there is no need to spend money on lecture halls or classrooms, electricity, transportation, and childcare for student mothers.
Textbooks are not required since most learning material can be accessed online.
Online learning is not limited to children and young adults. Anyone at any age can sign up for courses.
Parents can easily get involved and discuss the progress of their children.
Flexibility, especially in terms of time and courses offered.
Convenience: Students are more likely to feel at ease in their own learning environment (their home) than in a cold classroom setting.
Social networking: Online learning allows interaction with interesting people, sometimes people from remote locations.
Studying online helps students become active learners.
E-learning targets groups and individuals.
Unlike traditional education which limits student numbers to classroom size, online education is not restricted by space.
Technology has its pitfalls: It’s not always reliable and connection can get cutoff at any given moment—without warning!
Relying solely on virtual communication can lead to social isolation and depression.
An online learning environment must be pleasant; free from external distractions such as loud television sets, family members arguing, or dogs barking. If it is not pleasant, then learning and/or teaching becomes problematic.
Too many teaching platforms (Blackboard, Zoom, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams, etc.) lead to confusion, chaos, and conflicting interests.
Student involvement is limited: Not being physically present in the classroom leads some students to lose interest and, in extreme cases, to mute the lecture and go do something more appealing.
It is difficult to stimulate discussions without physical interaction thus resulting in poor communicational skill development among students.
Traditional classrooms are warmer and the atmosphere is student-friendly.
Academic dishonesty (cheating) is much easier because no one is monitoring.
Online education is too mechanical and remote.
Initiating class discussions can be challenging.
On the whole, digital education is a superb platform for learners, but then again, so is traditional classroom education. Therefore, the best solution is blended learning where students can get the benefit of both worlds.
Professor Afra S Al-Shiban